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Quit Tobacco Programs (Tobacco Treatment)

Location and Phone
2015 Pulaski Highway, Suite  D
Havre de Grace, MD 20178
Phone: 410-942-7930
Fax: 410-942-7939

Harford County Health Department Public Health Education Unit, through its Cigarette Restitution Fund grant, offers no-cost tobacco-treatment (or “Quit Tobacco Classes) throughout the year to any adult tobacco user who wants to quit.  We request pre-registration for all classes.

“Quit Tobacco Program” components include:

Pre-Quitting Class:

A free one-and-a-half hour program informs smokers/tobacco users about the various techniques used to quit and also explores why individuals get hooked on tobacco products.  It is highly recommended, though not mandatory, that persons wishing to participate in “Quit Tobacco” classes attend the “Pre-Quit” session in order that they might assess their personal levels of willingness and readiness to “quit.”

Quit Tobacco Classes:

Participants should attend the Pre-quitting class prior to participating in the free “Quit Tobacco” classes.  Class topics include information about nicotine addiction, stress management, diet and exercise, how to quit, managing as an ex-tobacco user, dealing with obstacles and relapse situations, and how to remain an ex-tobacco user.

Classes are offered throughout the year at several locations in the county and also can be offered on-site at businesses, tailored to fit organizational needs.  To obtain the current schedule or for more program information, call 410-612-1781.

Additional Resources

  • Article: Tobacco-Smoke Exposure in Children Who Live in Multiunit Housing by Karen M. Wilson, Jonathan D. Klein, Aaron K. Blumkin, Mark Gottlieb and Jonathan P. Winickoff
  • The State of Maryland also offers a toll-free Quit-Line to assist individuals in quitting tobacco. To learn more about this program, call 1-800-QUITNOW or visit www.smokingstopshere.com.
  • The Center for Disease Control offers videos and public service announcements from their “Tips of Former Smokers” campaign to educate on the harmful effects of tobacco. Click here to watch.
  • Quit Smoking Podcasts from CDC

Experience– Rick Stoddard speaks about his wife, Marie, who died of lung cancer.

Snuff Out Smoking– Secondhand smoke from cigarettes is dangerous, and this broadcast discusses its effects and how it can be avoided.

Quit for Your Family’s Sake– Associate Director for Science in the Office on Smoking and Health, Dr. Terry Pechacek, discusses smoking and ways to quit.



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