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Bureau of Family Health

The Harford County Health Department’s (HCHD) Bureau of Family Health encompasses 1) Family Services Division, 2) the Maternal and Child Health Division, 3) Support Services, and a variety of other services and programs. The bureau was created to improve health for all Harford County families throughout the lifespan. Families are connected to essential and supportive services to help them to live healthier and happier lives. HCHD aims to empower families to thrive preconceptually, throughout pregnancy, into childhood, and beyond.


HCHD’s vision is to make Harford County the healthiest community in the state of Maryland.

The Bureau of Family Health builds on this vision by connecting families to vital resources within the health department and the community as a whole. The bureau is founded upon principles of trust, respect, and family-centered approaches to improving health and wellbeing.


Family Services Include: 

Dental Services & the Dental Clinic: HCHD’s Dental Clinic strives to improve the oral health of children ages 1 -20 enrolled in the Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), and pregnant women on the Medical Assistance Program who may not have previously had access to dental care. Dental screenings and dental education programs are also offered in Harford County Public Schools (HCPS).

School Based Health Centers: Certified Nurse Practitioners and Social Workers are housed within Title I schools of the Harford County Public School (HCPS) system. The NP provide sick care, well-child visits, and physicals to SBHC enrolled students. Social Workers provide counseling services and referrals to students. Staff communicate with the family’s medical provider and parents. All students are eligible to receive services regardless of insurance status.

Medical Assistance (MA) Transportation: The MA Transportation program provides cab services for clients in need of transportation to approved medical appointments. Clients must be Medicaid recipients, have no other means of transportation, and register for transportation services.


Support Services: 

Maryland Children’s Health Insurance Program (MCHP): The MCHP program connects Harford County families to insurance coverage. Pregnant women, children, and single adults must meet certain eligibility criteria to qualify for coverage.

WIC: The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a public health nutrition program under the USDA providing nutrition education, nutritious foods, breastfeeding support, and healthcare referrals for income-eligible women who are pregnant or postpartum, infants, and children up to age 5.

Childhood Lead & Asthma Program: The Lead and Asthma Program is a voluntary home visiting based program that is based off of the Green and Healthy Homes Initiative. This Program was created and designed to promote a healthy home environment based on the principles of a healthy home. The HCHD Lead and Asthma Program provides families with needed education and supplies to help control and reduce the triggers associated with their children’s asthma symptoms.


See the Maternal & Child Health Unit for more information on MCH programs

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