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Due to increased upper respiratory illness/transmission rates, masks are strongly recommended to be worn in all patient-facing areas at the Harford County Health Department. Masks will be provided upon request if needed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Tobacco Use Prevention and Education

2015 Pulaski Highway, Suite  D
Havre de Grace, MD 20178
Phone: 410-942-7930
Fax: 410-942-7939


Click here for info on the Workforce Development Incentive Program


Tobacco Retailer Compliance, Educational, and Enforcement Services 

Press release 11/17/21


On December 20, 2019, the President signed legislation amending the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and raising the federal minimum age for sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21 years. This legislation (known as “Tobacco 21” or “T21”) is effective immediately, and it is now illegal for a retailer to sell any tobacco product—including cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes—to anyone under 21. The new federal minimum age of sale applies to all retail establishments and persons with no exceptions. Check out the FDA’s page to learn more. 

Click here to check out Maryland Department of Health Tobacco 21 FAQ page.

Tobacco Treatment Services 

Harford County Health Department Public Health Education Unit, through its Cigarette Restitution Fund grant, offers no-cost tobacco treatment (or Quit Tobacco Program) throughout the year to any adult tobacco user who wants to quit. 

For help in quitting or to learn more about local programs, please call 410-942-7937.

Cessation counseling and support is available through the Maryland Department of Health to anyone at any time by calling 1-800 QUIT NOW  (1-800-784-8669).  Call today for information and help.

Click here for smoking cessation class information offered by Upper Chesapeake

Thursdays from 6:00 -7:30 pm 9/1, 9/8, 9/15 & 9/22 in Streett Conference Room

Awareness and Prevention Services

The Harford County Health Department offers community- based initiatives and school-based initiatives to help prevent the use of tobacco and educate on the harmful effects.
To request a Tobacco Educational Program Visit click here

The health department also works collaboratively with Harford County Public Schools to provide education for students who violate the tobacco policy. Students who are caught with any tobacco product in school must choose between taking a 1-hour online module or suspension. The 1-hour online module contains education on tobacco, electronic smoking devices, and smokeless tobacco. Below are links to the videos that are contained within the module. Students then must complete a 10 question quiz and a brief constructed response.

Module 1: Tobacco

Tobacco growth video (1:36 min)

Cigarette manufacturing (1:26 min)

Cigarette smoke (1:18 min)

Module 2: E-Cigarette’s/Vaping/Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) 

A Little History to Set the Stage (9:04 min)

So What’s Really In These E-Cigarettes/ Vapes? (5:08 min)

What’s So Bad About E-Cigarettes and Vape Pens?  (9:22 min)

Module 3: Smokeless

Smokeless 101 (10:32 min)

Local Health Improvement Coalition- Tobacco Initiative 

In 2011, Maryland launched the State Health Improvement Process (SHIP) to prioritize Maryland’s health concerns. The goal of SHIP is to provide a framework for accountability, local action and public engagement to create and measure progress in Maryland’s health.  This initiative is implemented at the local level through Local Health Improvement Coalitions (LHICs).  The purpose of the LHIC is to improve the health of all residents with particular attention to health disparities.

Harford County Local Health Improvement Process (LHIP) centers around three health priorities for local action.  Work groups and Local Health Action Plans have been established for each priority.

Facts about Tobacco:




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