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Preparedness Quiz – How Ready Are You?

What would you do if terrorists exploded a small bomb in Washington, D.C.? Should you rush to school to pick up your children? Would you head toward rural Pennsylvania, or stay home?

What if a major hurricane swept up the Chesapeake Bay? If you had to go to a shelter, what would you do with your pet? Would your insurance cover you if your house were damaged?

If a water main break meant you were without water for two days, would you have enough to drink, or be able to brush your teeth?

How Ready Are You?

Take this simple quiz and find out!

If the power went out during the evening, I would:

__ A. Sit in the dark, waiting for the power to come back.

__ B. Light candles.

__ C. Search the kitchen drawers for flashlight batteries; they’ve got to be in there somewhere.

__ D. Know exactly where to find flashlights, battery-powered lanterns and fresh batteries.

If our home were without water for a day or two, we would:

__ A. Drink soda or juice and wash up at school or the office.

__ B. Visit relatives or friends where we could take showers and use the bathroom.

__ C. Check the bottled water on the basement shelf and try to remember how old it is.

__ D. Drink and wash from a supply of bottled water that we replace every few months.

Our important papers and records are:

__ A. Misplaced; we have no idea where they are.

__ B. Scattered in various locations throughout the house.

__ C. Filed in the home office.

__ D. Secured in a water and fireproof box.

We’ve made the following arrangements for our pets:

__ A. We have no plans. Why do we need them? They go wherever we go.

__ B. We’d leave them at home with plenty of food and water.

__ C. We’d take them with us, hoping we could find a shelter or hotel that will accept.

__ D. We’ve made plans with family, friends and our vet to take them at a moment’s notice.

In case of emergency, our children know:

__ A. To trust us to take care of them. We don’t want them disturbed by thinking about the bad things that can happen.

__ B. How to call 911 and how to call us.

__ C. That a list of emergency contacts is posted on the refrigerator.

__ D. Our family disaster plan, which includes someone to call if we’re separeted, meeting places and a home escape route.

During an emergency, I would depend on the following for information:

__ A. My neighbors.

__ B. The television.

__ C. The Internet.

__ D. A battery-powered radio.

If I suddenly had to leave my home for five days, I would:

__ A. Hang out at the mall and wait to hear how long before we could return.

__ B. Throw some clothes and necessities in a suitcase and take an impromptu vacation.

__ C. Leave; then coordinate with family members or friends about what to do.

__ D. Grab my emergency kit and follow the steps in our family preparedness plan.

My emergency kit is:

__ A. We don’t have one.

__ B. A drawer with flashlights and batteries, bottled water in the basement and a first-aid kit in the bathroom.

__ C. A bin with flashlights and batteries, bottled water, canned foods and a first-aid kit.

__ D. Water to last three days, a battery-powered radio and flashlights with extra batteries; canned foods; a first-aid kit; extra medications; and a portable “go” kit in the car.

If local authorities told me to evacuate, I would:

__ A. Refuse to leave. Most “emergencies” don’t turn out to be a big deal.

__ B. Wait to see if the situation worsened, then decide.

__ C. Wait for word from the Governor; he’s the only one who can order an evacuation.

__ D. Follow the advice of local responders to ensure my safety and theirs.

I’ve made the following plans for my elderly parents:

__ A. Nothing specific. The authorities will take care of them.

__ B. I would call them and together we’d decide what to do as the situation unfolds.

__ C. We’ve agreed that they would call the nearest relative to come and get them.

__ D. I’ve helped them assemble their own emergency kit, and we have an extended family plan for relocating them if they need to leave.




How Did You Do?

“D” is the best answer to all these questions. If you answered “D,” you are as prepared as you can reasonably be.

If you answered “C” to most questions, you’re on the right track, but still not prepared enough.

If you answered “A” or “B” to most questions, you and your family face serious problems if an emergency occurs.

Go back to Individual and Family Preparedness to get started.Emergency Preparedness Quiz

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