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Water and Wells

Location and Phone
120 S. Hays Street, Suite 200
Bel Air, MD  21014

Health Department Environmental
Health Water Quality Services

What we do:

  • Issue well permits.
  • Inspect water wells during construction.
  • Collects water samples for new, replacement, and existing wells.
  • Issue Use and Occupancy Permits (U&O’s) for properties with private drinking water wells.
  • Issue Certificate of Potabilities (COP’s) for new and replacement wells.
  • Provide information on well water supplies.
  • Respond to citizens’ complaints about well water supplies.
  • Inspect well abandonments.
  • Maintain a database of permitted water wells in Harford County.
  • Maintain a GIS database and hard files of environmental concern sites.
  • Maintain a list of well drillers that work in Harford County.
  • Maintain a list of State Certified Water Sample Laboratories that work in Harford County.


Please click on the following links for more information:

Arsenic in Groundwater 

Certified Water Testing Labs in Harford County

Chlorination Procedure

Drinking Water Contaminants 

Hand Dug Well Sealing Instructions

Harford County Wells – Water Quantity and Quality 

Lead Study Groundwater Report 

Licensed Well Drillers in Harford County 

Private Drinking Water Wells 

Private Well Class– Free online training for homeowners with water wells

State Well Construction Regulations 

Water Samples

Well Abandonment Standards

Well Loan Program

Well Permits

Well Records and Maintenance Guidelines

Water and Wells

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