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Healthy Families Harford County

1321 Woodbridge Station Way Edgewood, MD 21040

Phone: 410-612-1779

Fax: 410-612-9181

Email: hchd.healthyfamilies@maryland.gov

Healthy Families Harford County Logo

Healthy Families America  is a voluntary home visiting program that was founded on the ideals of excellence, trust, and transformation and was launched in 1992 by Prevent Child Abuse America with funding from Ronald McDonald House Charities. The program was designed to promote positive parenting, enhance child health and development and prevent child abuse and neglect.

We Believe…

  • Healthy parenting begins prenatally
  • Being a parent is the most important, challenging and fulfilling job you will ever have.
  • The first years of life are the most critical time in a child’s development.
  • All families have unique strengths and qualities.
  • All parents can benefit from support and information
  • Positive parent-child interactions promote physical health, intellectual growth, and emotional well-being.
  • Family support services should be based upon respectful and trusting relationships

 We Offer…

baby loveHealthy Families Harford County provides home visiting services by trained Family Resource and Support Specialists .

Family Support Specialists share updated information about prenatal development, parenting, child development, health care and local community resources.

Healthy Families Harford County helps parents to take action in reducing life stressors and maximizing opportunities to bond with their babies, during and after pregnancy.

Family Support Specialist respect the strengths of the families with whom they work, support them in identifying their dreams and planning steps to make those dreams come true.

Healthy Families Harford County holds monthly parenting support groups to share information and provide socialization opportunities for parents

 We Care.

Who can participate?

All pregnant women and families with children under three months of age, living in Harford County are eligible to be screened for service.

Services are available in all languages with an interpreter if needed.

There are no fees for any of our services which include assessment, home visiting, and parenting groups.

Eligible families can participate with Healthy Families Harford County until their children reach 3 years of age.


Healthy Families Harford County Program Referral Form

Healthy Families Harford County Program Referral Form (Spanish)



View our flyer


Healthy Families America Website


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