Location and Phone
1 N Main St
Bel Air, MD 21014
The School-Based Health Center program is committed to providing health care, mental health care, and preventive services to students who may lack access to health care. These services are provided at four Title I elementary schools and the Swan Creek School in Harford County.
The participating schools are:
- Edgewood Elementary School
- Hall’s Cross Roads Elementary School
- Magnolia Elementary School
- Old Post Road Elementary School
- Swan Creek/Aberdeen High School
Two nurse practitioners and one social workers currently service these schools each week.
School-Based Health Center Program FAQs
- Examine, diagnose, and prescribe medication for problems such as ear, sinus, or throat infections, asthma, rashes, etc.
- Well child services and intermittent acute primary care
- Preliminary physical examinations
- Nutritional services
- Injury evaluation
- Referral services
- Consultations for ADHD concerns
- Liaison with the primary care providers
- Family education
- Chronic care
- Asthma education to parents and students through the Open Airways Program
- Vision and hearing screenings
- Lead testing
- Hygiene education
- Individual, group, and family therapy
- Consultation with school personnel
- Attendance at IEP (Individual Education Plan) meetings, as necessary
- Referral to community services
- Crisis intervention
- Resources for parents are readily available at each school site and at back-to- school nights
- Asthma education is provided by the Nurse Practitioner through the Open Airways classes
- Mental Health education services are provided to parents on a private basis by the Social Worker