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Maternal & Child Health (MCH) Unit

WatcThe Harford County Health Department (HCHD) is committed to improving the prenatal and postpartum experiences of families throughout Harford County. The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Unit was established to protect, promote, and improve the health and resiliency of all women, infants, and children in Harford County, Maryland. Our programs provide support to families living in Harford County through the provision of direct and preventive care. We pride ourselves on our signature wraparound services, which meet our families where they are and assist them in taking steps toward a brighter and healthier future.

Maternal and Child Health in Harford County

Harford County, Maryland currently holds slightly lower preterm births and births to teens than the Maryland state average. However, significant and devastating maternal and infant health disparities in terms of race, income, and geographic location persist throughout the county. Harford County also has a higher rate of Substance Exposed Newborns (SENs) than the state of Maryland. The Harford County Health Department recognizes that in order for families to achieve and maintain health and build resiliency, they must be given a safe space to access essential resources and find support.

MCH by the Numbers

  • Number of live births, 2018: 2,6341
  • Number of children from 0-5: 14,060 / 5.6% of the population2
  • Women accessing early prenatal care, 2018: 77%1
  • Infant mortality rate, 2018: 51
  • Substance Exposed Newborn (SEN) rate: 38 per1,000 live births3


  1. Maryland Department of Health. 2018 Vital Statistics Report.
  2. U.S. Census Bureau. 2018 American Community Survey, 5 year estimates.
  3. HSCRC Hospital Inpatient Files (includes MD resident delivery discharges at MD hospitals only).


Our Maternal & Child Health Programs

MEGAN’s Place: A trusted, safe, non-judgmental physical place for at-risk pregnant, postpartum women and their families to meet in Harford County. Providing information and guidance, referrals and services, care coordination and support to Harford County families. MEGAN’s Place serves as the entry point for all MCH services within HCHD.

Healthy Families America: A voluntary home visiting program that was founded on the ideals of excellence, trust, and transformation and was launched in 1992 by Prevent Child Abuse America with funding from Ronald McDonald House Charities. The program was designed to promote positive parenting, enhance child health and development and prevent child abuse and neglect.

Helping Families Recover: A peer recovery support program for pregnant and parenting women living with substance use disorder (SUD) in Harford County. Women are connected to essential care and support services through a peer recovery specialist. Support groups are held for mothers living with SUD and mothers in recovery. HCHD partners with OB/GYN practitioners to support women throughout their pregnancy and beyond.

Maternal & Infant Home Nurse Visiting: This program receives referrals from hospitals and other agencies to provide home visiting to mothers and their newborns. The goal of the program is to reduce infant mortality, link families to community services, and promote safe sleep environments. Mothers are connected with an OB provider and mental health provider, as needed.

Child Fatality Review (CFR): An action–oriented means for communities to improve understanding of how and why children die; to demonstrate the need for and to influence policies and programs to improve child health, safety and protection; and to prevent future deaths. This is accomplished through multi-disciplinary, multi-agency review of individual cases of child deaths.  The case review team makes recommendations for improvements to systems and for public and professional education, and advocates for their implementation.

Home Birth Verification: Verification of pregnancy and birth are provided in order to issue a Maryland Birth Certificate.


Sign Up for Services

Are you thinking of a pregnancy, pregnant or parenting? Do you need help navigating healthcare and social services for your family? Reach out to us today and we can get you started in the program that’s right for you and your family. Visit individual program pages to learn more about our specialized programs or call MEGAN’s Place at 410-612-1777 for one-on-one care coordination.

Partner with Us

Do you have a program that serves Harford County families? Are you interested in partnering with the health department to improve maternal and child health in Harford County? Reach out to us through our individual program pages or by contacting: HCHD.MEGANSPLACE@MARYLAND.GOV

Additional Sources

Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program

Products that are not safe for infant sleep

Productos no son seguros para dormir a tu bebe

Watch the Public Health Matters Episode on Safe Sleep Below!

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