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Updated Storage and Expiration Guidelines for NARCAN® intranasal naloxone

HIV Blog / August 28, 2020

There are exciting updates regarding shelf life and storage requirements for NARCAN®. This applies only to NARCAN® and not to other formulations (intramuscular, Evzio®, Amphastar Luer-Jet™, etc.).

      • NARCAN® expires 36 months from date of manufacturing (previously 24)
      • NARCAN® should be stored between 68°F and 77°F (previously 59°F to 77°F  ).
      • Temperature excursions are permitted between 41°F and 104°F (previously 59°F to 104°F).

NARCAN® that falls under these new guidelines can be differentiated by the red plunger. The new guidance only applies to NARCAN® with the red plunger. The 24-month expiration and old temperature guidelines still apply for Generation I NARCAN® with the white plunger. See the graphic below for a summary of the guideline changes.

Generation I NARCAN® that has not yet expired and has been stored appropriately should not be disposed. It remains effective at reversing opioid overdose, but may be exchanged for Generation II NARCAN® upon expiry.

Direct all questions to (410) 612-1779 or hchd.harmreduction@maryland.gov.

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