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Sports Injuries

Uncategorized / August 9, 2021

Participation in sports can have a positive impact on kids mental and physical health. However, unintentional injuries do happen. It’s important for parents and coaches to teach their kids not only how to play sports safely, but also how to recognize and treat sports injuries when they do happen.

How to reduce the risk of sports injuries:

  • Wear proper equipment
    • If the sport requires padding, helmets, mouthpieces, etc., make sure it fits correctly and is the meant for that specific sport.
    • For example, helmets for baseball are different than helmets for football. Different shoes are most likely required for different sports as well.
  • Proper technique
    • Coaches have a responsibility to not only teach kids the skills of the sport, but also to play sports safely and follow the rules of the game.
    • For example, some types of hits in football may be illegal, and engaging in those types of hits could cause serious injury.
  • Warming up
    • Players should not jump straight onto the field without warming up their bodies. Typically this is done by going for a quick jog and dynamic stretching.
  • Pre-season conditioning
    • Similar to warming up before play, it is important that athletes condition their bodies during the months leading up to the season. This can be done through neuromuscular strength strengthening, cardiovascular fitness training, stretching, and balance and mobility work.
    • Training before the season starts allows the body to prepare for the physical stress on the body and prevent injury.
  • Playing a variety of sports
    • Children playing a variety of sports allows them to not repeatedly put stress on the same muscles and joints. Focusing on one or two sports at a young age may lead to certain muscles being overused which can eventually lead to an injury.
  • Emphasize hydration
    • Encourage water breaks during play as well as before and after a practice or game.
  • Recognizing and treating injuries
    • When coaches and parents notice a child in pain, limping, changing their technique, etc., it is important that they are evaluated and treated for injuries. For many injuries, delaying injury can have serious consequences.

Additional Resources:

American Academy of Pediatrics – Sports Injury Prevention Tips

CDC HEADS UP – Concussion Information for Coaches

CDC HEADS UP – Concussion Information for Athletes

CDC HEADS UP – Concussion Information for Parents

Johns Hopkins Medicine – 10 Tips for Preventing Sports Injuries in Kids and Teens

Johns Hopkins Medicine – ACL Tears in Female Athletes

Nemours Kids Health – 5 Ways to Avoid Sports Injuries

University of Michigan Health – Preventing ACL Injuries






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