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LGBTQ Health – A Resource Guide

HIV Blog / June 17, 2019

Many folks in healthcare have questions about how to provide the best care to their LGBTQ patients. The problem? There’s a lot of information out there! We’ve taken the liberty of creating a rundown of the LGBTQ health resources we find most helpful. Providers, this guide is for you. Patients, community members, this guide is for you to share with your provider. Together we can achieve health equity for LGBTQ people.

American Psychological Association
The APA has developed a fantastic resource page for those working in psychological sciences. The page is kept up to date and caters all of its resources to those practicing psychology.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
The CDC works to increase the health security of the nation and is a definitive resource for healthcare professionals. The CDC’s resource page on LGBT Health is helpful as an introductory resource. It may also be useful to those interested in national surveillance and prevention programs.

Fenway Institute
https://fenwayhealth.org/the-fenway-institute and https://www.lgbthealtheducation.org
The Fenway Institute conducts policy research on issues affecting LGBTQ health, HIV policy, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, and other issues salient to the health of LGBTQ people. This is a go to for public health workers and anyone seeking resources to change the culture around LGBTQ health in their organization.

Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
GLMA offers information on LGBT health, resources for patients, providers, and students, and provides news on advances in health care for the LGBT population. Members need not be LGBTQ themselves but should be committed to ensuring health equity for LGBTQ people and equality for LGBTQ health professionals in their work and learning environments.

Healthy People 2020
Healthy People provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. Healthy People’s 2020 LGBT Health page goes further than the CDC’s page in detailing the root causes of LGBTQ health inequity. It also offers resources and interventions to address existing inequity.

National Coalition for LGBT Health
The National Coalition for LGBT Health’s website features publications, webinars, data and statistics, and an LGBT Health Training and Certificate Program. The Coalition is an initiative of HealthHIV, a national nonprofit focused on health equity. Membership includes over 60 nationally-recognized organizations, from the American Medical Association to the Human Rights Campaign to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Williams Institute
The Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law is a powerhouse of LGBTQ law and public policy research. The Institute’s Health & HIV/AIDS page is a go-to for current trends in this area of research.

World Professional Association for Transgender Health
WPATH’s Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, often referred to as the Trans Standards of Care, is a guiding document for serving trans and gender nonconforming patients which is utilized by healthcare professionals worldwide. It’s useful for anyone who serves trans patients.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out the…

National LGBT Health Education Center
For an in-depth LGBTQ health resource list, organized by topic, see the National LGBT Health Education Center, a program of The Fenway Institute.

…or call or email us with your questions at (410) 612-1779 or zachary.kosinski@maryland.gov.

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