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Due to increased upper respiratory illness/transmission rates, masks are strongly recommended to be worn in all patient-facing areas at the Harford County Health Department. Masks will be provided upon request if needed. Thank you for your cooperation.


Harm Reduction in Harford County

HIV Blog / August 28, 2020

“Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use…it incorporates a spectrum of strategies from safer use, to managed use to abstinence to meet drug users ‘where they’re at,’ addressing conditions of use along with the use itself.” National Harm Reduction Coalition, Principles of Harm Reduction […]

Stories of Drug Use and Recovery

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, sharing stories of recovery from substance use disorders is more important than ever. People are facing loneliness at unprecedented levels because of the pandemic. Mainstream silence on these issues and negative stigma surrounding drug use persist. Even those in recovery themselves often stay silent due to shame and fear. Stories, […]

Updated Storage and Expiration Guidelines for NARCAN® intranasal naloxone

There are exciting updates regarding shelf life and storage requirements for NARCAN®. This applies only to NARCAN® and not to other formulations (intramuscular, Evzio®, Amphastar Luer-Jet™, etc.). NARCAN® expires 36 months from date of manufacturing (previously 24) NARCAN® should be stored between 68°F and 77°F (previously 59°F to 77°F  ). Temperature excursions are permitted between 41°F and 104°F (previously […]

Responding to overdose during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19,HIV Blog / April 24, 2020

How should I give naloxone? 1. Wash your hands 2. Wake them up Shake shoulders and ask, “are you alright”. Rub your knuckles up and down the breast bone. 3. If they don’t wake, call 911 You will not get in trouble for drug use or possession. First responders will have more naloxone. 4. Give […]

Living with HIV? Here’s the lowdown on COVID-19 and your health.

COVID-19,HIV Blog / March 24, 2020

Preventative measures against COVID-19 for people living with HIV: Ensure you have at least a 30-day supply of medication at all times. Keep your vaccinations up to date—especially pneumonia and flu vaccines. Stay in touch with your medical provider, including telemedicine options, if either you are isolated or quarantined. Stay in touch with friends and […]

This Valentine’s Day, Remember to Love Your Liver!

HIV Blog / February 12, 2020

Here are some ways you can show your liver some love: Get Screened for Hepatitis C at the Health Department. There is a Cure!! Get vaccinated against Hepatitis A and B. Avoid taking unnecessary medications. Too many chemicals can harm the liver. Try to reduce stress. Stay hydrated. Never mix alcohol with other drugs and […]

You (nar)CAN prevent overdose!

HIV Blog / August 1, 2019

Naloxone is an opioid overdose reversal medication. Narcan® is an intranasal brand of naloxone and the primary form distributed in Harford County. The Harford County Health Department offers naloxone at no cost. Call (410) 612-1779 to inquire or stop in at our Edgewood location (address below). ******************** Persons using opioids may also be at risk […]

LGBTQ Health – A Resource Guide

HIV Blog / June 17, 2019

Many folks in healthcare have questions about how to provide the best care to their LGBTQ patients. The problem? There’s a lot of information out there! We’ve taken the liberty of creating a rundown of the LGBTQ health resources we find most helpful. Providers, this guide is for you. Patients, community members, this guide is […]

LGBTQ History

HIV Blog / June 10, 2019

Political activist Marcus Garvey once said, “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots.” The community’s history is often forgotten because LGBTQ culture isn’t passed from parent to child in the way of many other cultures. This Pride Month, we’d like to help change that. […]

What “Taking pride in health” means to me

HIV Blog / June 3, 2019

  “Taking pride in health.” That sounds sort of nebulous, doesn’t it? Might it mean being vocal about your exercise regimen? Sure. Could it mean engaging in healthy eating with friends and family. Certainly. Maybe it means being proud of the ways in which you take care of yourself? That, too. As an LGBTQ person […]