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Harford County COVID-19 Data

COVID-19 / April 27, 2023

The last day for all COVID-related data updates will be Thursday, April 27, 2023. The case data will be replaced with the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Level Data and the vaccine data will be replaced by the CDC’s vaccination by county.  Click here for the CDC’s COVID-19 County Check to find community levels and prevention steps by county. […]

January 26th, 2021 UPDATE

COVID-19 / January 26, 2021

The Harford County Health Department now has a weekly update from the Health Officer that answers frequently asked questions for those waiting for COVID-19 vaccine appointments. You can find this on the main vaccine page or click HERE.

January 15th, 2021 UPDATE

COVID-19 / January 15, 2021

Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference yesterday where he discussed the expansion of vaccine eligibility. Starting the week of January 18th, the State of Maryland will enter 1B, which will include those 75+ and teachers. Starting the week of January 25th, the State of Maryland will expand this to those between the ages of […]

January 12th, 2021 UPDATE

COVID-19 / January 12, 2021

The health department has updated its vaccine distribution plan. You can find it here: https://harfordcountyhealth.com/the-harford-county-covid-19-vaccination-plan/

January 5th, 2021 UPDATE

COVID-19 / January 5, 2021

Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference today where he discussed plans for vaccination distribution. He discussed activating the National Guard, adding volunteers to help with clinics, faster data reporting, more hospital resources, accountability for providers, and a rolling vaccine allocation model. He also discussed an updated phase 1 and 2 guidance and timeline for […]

December 18, 2020 UPDATE

COVID-19 / December 18, 2020

Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference yesterday where he announced additional economic relief and new travel orders. In summary: Gatherings are limited to 10 people or less. The Maryland Department of Health is advising against all non-essential activities and holiday gatherings with people outside one’s immediate household. In addition, there is an emergency order […]

December 16, 2020 UPDATE

COVID-19 / December 16, 2020

-Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference yesterday where he discussed the COVID-19 vaccine and reactivating the Maryland National Guard. You can read the press release HERE. You can watch the press conference HERE. -The Harford County Health Department now has a page that discusses what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine. You […]

December 10, 2020 UPDATE

COVID-19 / December 10, 2020

Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference today where he discussed additional economic relief initiatives. You can watch it HERE. You can read the press release HERE.

December 9, 2020 UPDATE

COVID-19 / December 9, 2020

Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference yesterday to announce the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. In summary: Phase 1A of vaccinations will focus on critical health care workers, long-term care facilities, and first responders. Maryland will initially receive 155,000 vaccine doses. State health officials expand providers’ ability to administer vaccines. The Governor and Lt. […]

December 2, 2020 UPDATE

COVID-19 / December 3, 2020

Breaking News: People who may have had coronavirus exposure but are asymptomatic can quarantine for seven days instead of 14 if they test negative, the C.D.C. said. Read the new guidelines HERE.

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