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Change of Ownership Guidelines

Uncategorized / March 10, 2011

There are several steps that need to be taken when licensed food service facilities undergo a change in ownership. Remember that licenses are not transferable from person to person, so the following steps must be completed prior to selling or buying a food service business:

  1. Contact the Health Department to schedule a change of ownership inspection. Allow ample time for scheduling of reinspections, as they are usually required. Keep in mind that change of ownership inspections differ from regular environmental inspections. The focus is placed on the physical structure of the building and the condition and installation of the equipment.
  2. The new owner must provide the Health Department with a copy of the proposed menu and HACCP information when necessary. A sanitarian will be assigned to guide you through the HACCP process.
  3. Complete and return the Application for Change of Ownership Inspection, along with the appropriate fee, to the Health Department.
  4. The new owner shall complete and return the Application for a Food Service Facility License and Worker’s Compensation information, along with the appropriate fee, to the Health Department.
  5. If the facility is equipped with a grease interceptor, the owner must provide documentation that the unit has been pumped within the last three months. In addition, the new owner must obtain a pumping contract from a licensed scavenger for routine cleaning and maintenance of the grease interceptor.
  6. If the facility is not serviced by public water and/or public sewer, the well and/or on-site sewage disposal system must be evaluated by the Resource Protection Division of the Health Department. These systems must be deemed in good working order or upgrades/repairs will be required.
  7. When the Health Department has approved the change of ownership based on a satisfactory inspection and completion of the HACCP information, the new owner will be issued a Food Service Facility License.



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