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Due to increased upper respiratory illness/transmission rates, masks are strongly recommended to be worn in all patient-facing areas at the Harford County Health Department. Masks will be provided upon request if needed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Local Health Improvement Coalition


In 2011, Maryland launched the State Health Improvement Process (SHIP) to prioritize Maryland’s health concerns. The goal of SHIP is to provide a framework for accountability, local action and public engagement to create and measure progress in Maryland’s health.  This initiative is implemented at the local level through Local Health Improvement Coalitions (LHICs).  The purpose of the LHIC is to improve the health of all residents with particular attention to health disparities.

Harford County Local Health Improvement Process (LHIP) centers around three health priorities for local action.  At the 2017 Annual LHIC Meeting, the County’s priority areas were reviewed to determine best next steps. A robust discussion ensued that may generally be summarized by the following themes:

  • Behavioral health, including addressing substance use disorders and mental health, remains an important health priority in the County.
  • Although obesity prevention and tobacco use prevention both continue to be important areas of concern, there was a general consensus that a broader focus on healthy behaviors/wellness as a means for preventing chronic diseases was needed.
  • Most interestingly, a new area of focus emerged from the discussions, touching on the importance of “environmental stability” in the promotion and maintenance of health in the community, within families, and for individuals.

As a result of the 2017 Annual LHIC Meeting, 3 workgroups were formed and the Community Health Improvement Plan was written.


To protect, promote, and improve the health, safety, and environment of Harford County residents.


The vision of the LHIC is to improve health outcomes and access to care to achieve health equity.

Click here to read the Harford County LHIC By-Laws!

LHIC Workgroups:

Click on the workgroup below for more information on the group, upcoming meeting dates, and past meeting minutes. Meetings are open to the public.

  1. Behavioral Health (meets jointly with the Mental Health and Addictions Advisory Council (MHAAC) and the Overdose Prevention Team (OPT))
  2. Chronic Disease Prevention and Wellness
  3. Family Health and Resiliency

Annual LHIC Meeting:

Every October there is a joint meeting with the entire LHIC.



Archived LHIC Announcements


Interested in being a part of the LHIC? Fill out the interest form HERE.

LHIC Overview Digital Flyer

LHIC Overview Printable Flyer

For questions about the LHIC, contact Ronya Nassar Ronya.Nassar@maryland.gov

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